Northern Icelandic Cyanobacteria Biorefinery
2021 - 2022
Sustainable cyanobacteria biorefinery to produce PHB

Conventional petrol-based plastics are non-sustainable and damage the environment. Bioplastics offer a better alternative to them, but it is a major challenge to obtain natural products for high-performance bioplastics. Using cyanobacteria, we propose a sustainable biorefinery concept to produce PHB, a versatile platform chemical for a wide range of biodegradable plastics. Pigments separated in the process will be processed as high-value by-products and residual biomass will be developed as fish feed.
Role in project
Raman spectroscopy analysis
* Fóðurverksmiðjan Laxá (grant holder)
* Biopol ehf. (project management)
* SagaNatura ehf.
* Algalíf Iceland ehf.
* Mýsköpun ehf.
* University of Rostock
Gissur Örlygsson
gissur [at] taeknisetur.is
This project has received funding from Lóa – Innovation grants for rural areas.